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Friday, January 1, 2010


As a mom of four I find a lot of bliss in my crazy daily life. I am constantly organizing, prioritizing, and trying to find ways to make the little things in life simpler. Back in November of 2008 I woke up one day and decided I was sick, sick, sick of living in a cluttered, and chaotic home. We have 2 boys with special needs and I knew this environment was not the most conducive for good behavior. Things had to change! I ready about a gazillion books about living the simple life, how to simplify your life with kids, and even books about living the simple holiday! I worked for a year at purging, decluttering, and organizing my families worldly possessions. I hit a rut and I started to lose my motivation.

I started a group called Simplify Your Life on http://www.blogger.com/www.momsLikeMe.com, a message board for moms...like ME!, back in December of 2009. My goal was to get some accountability from my fellow mommy friends to get back no track with simplifying my life.

Our group quickly grew to over 100 members by the time the New Years Urge-to-purge had worn off mid January. We've been going for about 6 months strong now and we have worked together to make our lives a little more joyous every day.

Along this journey I have had many people telling me I should write a book with all the ideas I come up with for my home, as well as for the group. Since I already mentioned there are a gazillion books on the market I decided I would just blog about my tricks of the trade from time to time, and give it up for free. Who doesn't love a little free help every now and again?

So, the birth of Simplify Your crazy Life was born! I hope you enjoy some of the tips I post, and stories I may share. I really love organizing and simplifying so I look forward to sharing my love with you!

Thanks for checking out my blog!


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