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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Optimistically pessimistic

Giving Thanks...

Today I give thanks for my sinus infection.
Just don't look at my sickly reflection.
At least I am breathing.

Today I give thanks for my screaming babies.
Sick of the Yes, No, and Maybe's.
At least they are Healthy.

Today I give thanks for my Van window being stuck.
It can only be closed by that tape with the Duck.
At least I have a Van.

Today I give thanks for dog poo on the floor.
No need to worry, I'm sure there is more.
At least my dog is healthy.

Today I give thanks for a wet floor.
Water was seeping from under the bathroom door.
At least I have running water.

Today I give thanks for not being able to taste.
Eating like this seems so much a waste.
At least I have food.

Today I give thanks for the chills and aches
I know my children wont give me any breaks.
At least I have heat.

This isn't coming out as it sounded in my head
I guess it's time to go back to bed.

1 comment:

  1. That poem was nice
    I think I'll read it again.
    Those are real huge words
    They are! "Optimistically pessimistic" Wait a second . . .
    That was a haiku!
